Android-WorldOptimizing Kotlin: Best Practices for High-Performing AppsPerformance optimization is often considered an afterthought in the software development lifecycle. However, in today’s competitive…Sep 10, 20236Sep 10, 20236
Christophe BeylsStrategies for automatically refreshing data on Android using Kotlin FlowMaking timers lifecycle-awareOct 6, 20234Oct 6, 20234
In@RosberryAppsbyDmitriy RabetckiyA Single-Activity Android Application. Why not?!The reason behind writing this article was one of the I/O 2016 sessions where a speaker told about Google’s plans to neutralize the UX…Jan 11, 20192Jan 11, 20192
InProAndroidDevbyPrateek PrasadPlaying with the new MergeAdapter on AndroidMobile apps have come a long way in terms of offering a rich user experience and have found new ways of structuring and surfacing…May 15, 20206May 15, 20206